The Concept of Developing a Decision Support System for the Epidemic Morbidity Control

Yakovlev S., Bazilevych K., Chumachenko D., Chumachenko T., Hulianytskyi L., Meniailov Ie., Tkachenko A.

3rd International Conference on Informatics & Data-Driven Medicine, IDDM’2020 (November 19–21, 2020, Växjö, Sweden): 265-274.


Paper presents concept model of intelligent information technology of epidemic process control. The project is an interdisciplinary research that combines scientific results obtained by specialists in the field of biosafety, systems and means of artificial intelligence, mathematical modeling, epidemiology, information technology, and public health. The development of a conceptual model provides the analysis of epidemic threats and problems of the biosafety of society; preprocessing of the initial data; development of machine learning models for analyzing the epidemic process; creation of a bank of simulation models; improvement of methods of intelligent interaction of agents of multiagent systems of population dynamics; predicting morbidity; analysis of factors influencing the epidemic process; development of information technology specification and testing of an intelligent decision support system in the field of biosafety. The implementation of the research results will increase the efficiency of management decisions to ensure the biosafety of the population and the development of scientifically based strategies for anti-epidemic and preventive measures